Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is finally released. Are you ready for a satisfying challenging lightsaber combats? Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a single-player action-adventure video game that requires a good CPU and a very good graphics card (Epic settings). Star Wars Jedi is well optimized for the PC platform, but if you’re dealing with low FPS while playing STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order, I'm here to help with all the best tips.
In this guide, I listed a few tweaks to fix the performance issues in STAR WARS Jedi Fallen Order, such as freezing, lagging, fps drop, spikes, stuttering.
If you are experiencing crash, black screen or a similar problem, check out this article.
There are 22 ways to increase your frame rates and performance in STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order.
System Requirements for Running STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | AMD FX-6100/Intel i3-3220 or Equivalent | AMD Ryzen 7 1700/Intel i7-6700K or Equivalent |
GPU | AMD Radeon HD 7750, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 or Equivalent | AMD RX Vega 56, Nvidia GTX 1070/GTX1660Ti or Equivalent |
DirectX | DirectX 11 | DirectX 11 |
RAM | 8 GB RAM | 16 GB RAM |
Storage | 55 GB available space | 55 GB available space |
OS | 64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10 | 64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10 |
1) Best Graphics Settings for STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
You can skip this step if you don’t want to change graphics settings. These High Performance graphics settings are for PCs which close to the minimum system requirements.
If you have a good PC, you can increase the settings slightly.
Go to in-game graphics options and make sure the settings are as follows.
Settings > Visuals
Motion Blur | Off |
Film Grain | Off |
Chromatic Aberration | Off |
Camera Shake | Off |
In STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order, the main settings that impact performance are Shadow Quality, Visual Effects, and Post Processing. I recommend that you set these settings to lowest. Medium is the lowest option.
Settings > Video
High Performance | Performance | |
Window Mode | Fullscreen | Fullscreen |
VSync | Off | Off |
Dynamic Resolution Scaling | On | Off |
Graphics Quality | Custom | Custom |
View Distance | Medium | Medium |
Shadow Quality | Medium | Medium |
Anti-Aliasing | Medium | High |
Texture Quality | Medium | Epic |
Visual Effects | Medium | Medium |
Post Processing | Medium | Medium |
Apply changes and Exit the game.
If you encounter screen tearing problem during the gameplay, you should enable the VSync. If you have a monitor with G-SYNC or FreeSync, you can activate them instead of Vsync.
By the way, if you set the Dynamic Resolution Scaling to on allows to increase your FPS but the graphics may be blurry in the game.
2) Launch Options
- Go to the list of games in the Steam library.
- Right-click the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order and click the Properties.
- Click the Set Launch Options in the General tab.
- Type or paste the following commands into the box in the incoming window.
- If your game on the Origin launcher, open up the Origin.
- Go to the My Game Library in the Origin.
- Right click the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
- Click on the Game Properties
- Paste the commands into the “Command line arguments” box, then click on the Save.

3) Update Your Graphics Drivers
You should keep your computer’s graphics drivers updated.
People who have an NVIDIA graphics card can download and install their new drivers here.
People who have an AMD graphics card can download and install their new drivers here.
4) NVIDIA Control Panel Settings
- Open NVIDIA Control Panel
- Go to the Adjust image settings with preview tab.
- Click the “Use my preference emphasizing“ (If you have a mid&high end pc, Let the 3D application decide)
- Put the bar in Performance mode.
- Apply

- Click the Manage 3D settings
- Click the Program Settings
- Click the Add
- Select the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order from the list, then click on the “Add Selected Program” button.
- After, make the following settings
Low Latency Mode: Ultra
Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization: On
Texture filtering - Quality: High performance
Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization: On
Threaded optimization: On
Triple buffering: On
Vertical sync: On - If you have a notebook, make sure you have selected the “High-performance NVIDIA processor” on preferred graphics processor.

- Apply and close the NVIDIA Control Panel.
Effect of the “Power management mode” setting differs between GPUs. If these settings made your FPS worse, just set the “Power management mode” to “Optimal power“. After that, it will increase. You can test it.
5) AMD Radeon Settings
- Open the AMD Radeon Settings window.
- Click on the Gaming tab.
- Then click on Global Settings.
- Go to the Anti-aliasing mode, choose Override application settings.
- Click on the Anti-aliasing level, so make sure you have selected the 2X
- Go to the Anisotropic Filtering Mode and turn it on.
- Then, click on the Anisotropic Filtering Level, so make sure you have selected the 2X.
- Click on the Texture Filtering Quality and select the Performance.
- Now, click on the Wait for Vertical Refresh and select the Always off.
- Click on the Tessellation Mode and select the Override application settings.
- Finally, click on the Maximum Tessellation Level and select the 32x or lower.

6) Intelligent Standby List Cleaner
The “Intelligent standby list cleaner” application will monitor and clear the memory standby list when it is > 1000mb (1gb). It will help players to fix stutters in games.
- Download the Intelligent standby list cleaner
- Run the 7-zip file.
- Extract to a folder.
- Go to the that folder.
- Run the “Intelligent standby list cleaner ISLC” application.
- Check the “Start ISLC minimized and auto-Start monitoring”
- Also, check the “Launch ISLC on user logon”
- Now, click on the Start button
- Minimize

7) Full-screen Optimizations & High DPI in Windows 10

- Go to the folder where the game is installed.
(Jedi Fallen Order > SwGame > Binaries > Win64) - Right-click on the exe of the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
- Hit the Properties
- Tick “Disable full-screen optimizations” on the Compatibility tab.
- After that, click on the “Change high DPI settings” button.
- Under the “High DPI scaling override” section, tick the “Override high DPI scaling behavior“
- Use the “Scaling performed by:” drop-down menu and select the “Application”
- Click on the OK and again OK.

8) Power Options
If the CPU cooler is not enough, you can skip this setting. Processor temperature may increase by 5-6 degrees.

- Right-click the Windows icon on the bottom left.
- Click the Power Options
- Click the Additional power settings
- Select the High performance on the Preferred plans tab.
- After, click the Change plan settings link next to High performance.
- Tap on the Change advanced power settings
- Find Processor power management in the incoming list, click the + icon on the left side.
- Set Minimum processor state and Maximum processor state to 100%
- Click on the OK
9) Game Mode
- To turn off Windows 10 game mode, click the Start icon to bring up the Start menu. Then open the Settings.
- Click the Gaming
- On the Game Bar tab, set the “Record game clips, screenshots and broadcast using Game bar” to Off.
- On the Captures tab, set the “Record in the background while I’m playing a game” to Off.
- On the Game Mode tab, set the “Game Mode” to Off.
If you are using an older version of Windows 10, you may not see the Game Mode settings. In this case, you can configure the settings directly in the Registry.
- Press the Windows logo key and R key simultaneously on your keyboard.
- Type regedit
- Press the Enter key.
- The Registry Editor will open. In the left panel, Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\GameBar
- Right-click inside the panel and select New
- Click on the DWORD (32-bit) Value

- Rename the New Key to AllowAutoGameMode
- Right-click on the AllowAutoGameMode
- Select the Modify…
- Set the “Value data” to 0

- Click on the OK button.
- Close the Registry Editor.
- Restart your PC.
10) Windows Performance Options
- Type performance in the search section of Windows, click to Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows from the results.
- Select the Adjust for best performance from the options in the Performance Options window that opens.
- Click OK

11) Cleaning Temporary Files
- Simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys.
- Type %temp%
- Press Enter key.
- Delete everything in the Temp folder that opens. You can skip undeleted.
- Again, Simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys.
- Type temp
- Press Enter key.
- Delete everything in the folder that opens.
- Again, Simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys.
- Type prefetch
- Press Enter key.
- Delete everything in the Prefetch folder that opens.
Finally, empty the Recycle Bin
12) SSD
If you have a Solid-State Drive, I recommend that you install the game on the SSD or move the game files to the SSD.
13) Optimize Your Discord
If you are using Discord, disable the Hardware Acceleration and in-game overlay.
- Open Discord
- Go to the User Settings
- Then, go to the Appearance tab.
- Uncheck the Hardware Acceleration.

- Go to the Overlay on App Settings tab.
- Make sure unchecked the “Enable in-game overlay”

14) Optimize Your Google Chrome
If you’re using Google Chrome, you’ll need to make this setting.

- Go to settings page in Chrome
- Click the Advanced
- Go to the System tab
- Finally, uncheck the “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed”
15) Background Processes
You should close all unnecessary Apps, such as Chrome, Spotify, OneDrive. Also, if the Discord is idle, you should quit Discord.
Also, you can use the CCleaner to go through your startup and scheduled tasks, and disable everything that you consider unnecessary.
And also, you should disable your Firewall/Antivirus while playing the Star Wars Jedi, such as Acronis Active Protection, Eset, Avast, BitDefender, AVG, etc. Or, add your STAR WARS: Jedi Fallen Order directory in the exceptions list in your antivirus software.
16) Increase The Priority
You need to adjust this setting every time you enter the game.
- Launch the game.
- Simultaneously press the ALT and TAB keys to minimize the game.
- Open the Task Manager
- Click on Details Tab
- In the list, find the exe of the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
- Right-click on the exe application and Set priority to High.
If you facing stuttering issue in the game after doing this, don’t do the High priority setting. Set it to Normal.
17) CPU Limiter – Fix Freezing & Stuttering
If the CPU usage is around 100% while playing STAR WARS Jedi and you experience freezing/stuttering issues, you can limit your CPU. Also, if you apply this setting, you can skip the previous method.
- Download and install the Process Lasso
- Run the Process Lasso application.
- Launch the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order.
- Go to the Process Lasso app and find the exe of STAR WARS Jedi in “All processes” list.
- Right-click on the exe and select the CPU Limiter

- Set the “When CPU use is” to 98
- Set the “Reduce by this many CPU cores” to 1
- Below the “Reduce by this many CPU cores”, set the “For a period of” to 1
- Click on the Add Rule button.
- Finally click OK button and play the game.

18) Acronis True Image
If you have Acronis True Image: backup software on your PC, disable protection or add STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order on exclusion list. It will help you to boost your FPS.
19) Disable GPU OC
I heard that the overclocking on GPU caused the fps drop in Star Wars Jedi. If your game keeps lagging randomly, you should try to disable OC. If it doesn't change, you can turn on back.
20) GameUserSettings.ini File
- Navigate to C:\Users\*YourUserName*\AppData\Local\SwGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
- Right click on GameUserSettings.ini file
- Click Edit
- Find the sg.PostProcessQuality in the file and set it to 0
- Save and exit the file.
If you cant see the AppData folder, click on the View, select the Hidden items

21) Spectre & Meltdown (Lagging & Stuttering Fix)
The Windows patches for Spectre and Meltdown are causing your PC to slow down. These updates were required for security, but they cause stuttering on PC games like STAR WARS Jedi Fallen Order. So if we disable Spectre and Meltdown protection while gaming, our issue will fix. Just disable it while you're in the game, don't forget to activate the protection after you exit the game. You are responsible, I do not accept responsibility. You can find the app here: https://www.grc.com/inspectre.htm
22) Controller
Some of controllers (e.g. Xbox One Bluetooth Controller) are causing lags randomly. If you using your controller via bluetooth, try to using it via a cable or unplug it.
Thanks for the attempt. However, only reduced the stuttering by about 25% really.
Played through the whole game when it was released, without any problems at all. Then they patched it a few months later - became unplayable. So it's not my settings really - it's the game code.
Very frustrating.
Excellent recommendations. Seems to really help
Thanks! Acronis killing my games. After disablied protection increase my fps from 40fps to 140fps!!!!!
One of these settings has made some of my Font while browsing chrome somewhat blurry. What's strange is it's not all websites. Anyone have any idea which setting may have caused this?
10) Windows Performance Options
I think this is caused by das in the Nvidia driver
O meu pc roda esse jogo so que com grafico no baixo pelo menos
750GB HD
600W 80 PLUS
Thank you so much. Killing Acronis active protection task brought my frame rate up
you are my hero