Home » Dying Light 2 – Where are game saves and configuration files stored?

Dying Light 2 - Where are game saves and configuration files stored?

I will show you where to find the saved game data and configuration files of Dying Light 2: Stay Human.

Dying Light 2 - Where are game saves and configuration files stored?

Save data location of Dying Light 2

You can find the DL2's save files for both Steam and Epic Games launcher in the Documents folder on your PC. Here is the exact location:

C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\dying light 2\out\save_backups

%UserProfile%/Documents\dying light 2\out\save_backups

Configuration files location of Dying Light 2

Here is the audio and video settings config files location:

C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\dying light 2\out\settings

%UserProfile%/Documents\dying light 2\out\settings

How do I open the "video.scr"? You need the Notepad++ application to open the "video.scr" file containing Dying Light 2's graphics settings.

After installing the free app, just right-click on "video.scr" and select "Edit with Notepad++".

Crash logs files location of Dying Light 2

When Dying Light 2 crashes unexpectedly, it creates log files (.log and .dmp) in the following locations.

C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\dying light 2\out\logs

C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\dying light 2\out\dumps

That's all. I hope it helps you.

If you're getting low FPS in Dying Light 2, check out my Dying Light 2 Optimization Guide.