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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Save and Configuration File Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Save File Location & Configuration File Location

Where to find Star Wars Jedi Survivor Save File Location and Configuration File Location? - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the thrilling sequel to the highly praised Star Wars Jedi : Fallen Order. Developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts, this action-adventure game continues the story of Cal Kestis, a Jedi Knight fighting for survival in the darkest times of the galaxy.

In this article, we'll explore the updated locations of the Star Wars Jedi Survivor save and configuration files for PC users, discuss the reasons you might want to find these files, and offer some tips on how to manage them effectively.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Save File Location

To locate the save data files for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, follow these steps:

  1. Run File Explorer on your PC.
  2. Paste %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\JediSurvivor\ into the address bar and press Enter.
    Star Wars Jedi Survivor Save File Location
  3. Your Jedi Survivor save files will be located in this folder.

Note: This location is valid for all PC users, regardless of whether you're playing the game on EA App, Steam, or Epic Games Launcher.

Knowing the location of your save files can be useful for backing up your progress, transferring saves between devices, or sharing your game progress with friends.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Configuration File Location

To find the configuration files for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, follow these steps:

  1. Open File Explorer on your computer.
  2. Paste %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\SwGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\ into the address bar and press Enter.
  3. The GameUserSettings.ini file is located in this folder.

Additionally, the configuration files might also be located at %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\JediSurvivor\GameUserSettings.sav - Be sure to check both locations if you're having trouble finding the files.

The configuration files allow you to adjust various game settings, such as graphics, performance, and controls. Knowing the location of these files can be helpful if you're looking to customize your gameplay experience or troubleshoot issues.

Note for those unable to access the AppData folder: If you're having trouble locating the AppData folder, it might be hidden by default on your system. To reveal it, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "View" tab at the top of the File Explorer window.
  2. Check the "Hidden items" box in the "Show/hide" section. The AppData folder should now be visible.

Now that you have access to the AppData folder, you can easily navigate to the Star Wars Jedi Survivor save and configuration files.

With the knowledge of Jedi Survivor's save and config file locations in hand, let's further explore the reasons you might want to access these files and how to maximize their usefulness.

Why You Might Need These Files

There are several reasons why you might want to locate the Star Wars Jedi Survivor config and save data files:

  1. Backup: Regularly backing up your save files ensures that you won't lose progress in the event of a system crash or corrupted save. This can save you hours of gameplay and prevent potential frustration.
  2. Transferring Saves: If you're switching to a new PC or want to share your save files with a friend, you'll need to know the Star Wars Jedi Survivor save file location to transfer the files easily.
  3. Modding: Enthusiastic gamers might want to modify the game's settings or use mods created by the community. Knowing the configuration file location allows you to make these changes safely and efficiently.
  4. Troubleshooting: If you're experiencing issues with the game, such as crashes or graphical glitches, accessing the configuration files can help you diagnose and fix the problem.

Backing Up Your Save Files

To back up your Star Wars Jedi Survivor save game, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the save location: C: > Users > %UserName% > Saved Games > Respawn > JediSurvivor
  2. Copy the desired save files to a secure backup location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage service.

It's a good idea to create regular backups, especially if you're playing for extended periods or have made significant progress in the game.

Opening and Editing the Configuration Files

To open the Star Wars Jedi Survivor config file, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the configuration file location: C: > Users > %UserName% > AppData > Local > SwGame > Saved > Config > WindowsNoEditor
  2. Right-click the GameUserSettings.ini file and select "Open with".
  3. In some cases, you may also find the configuration files at C: > Users > %UserName% > Saved Games > Respawn > JediSurvivor > GameUserSettings.sav
  4. Choose a text editor, such as Notepad, to view and edit the file.

Tweaking Game Settings

Once you've opened the configuration file, you can adjust various game settings to improve performance, enhance graphics, or modify gameplay. Some changes you might consider include:

  • Adjusting resolution or display settings for better performance on your specific hardware
  • Disabling or enabling certain graphical effects (like blur effects and chromatic effects)
  • Tweaking controller or input settings for a more customized experience

Remember to save any changes you make to the configuration file, then restart the game to see the effects.

In Conclusion

Knowing the locations of the Star Wars Jedi Survivor save and configuration files is essential for any PC gamer who wants to make the most of their gaming experience. Whether you're backing up your progress, transferring saves, modding the game, or troubleshooting issues, having this information at your fingertips is invaluable. So, dive into Star Wars Jedi: Survivor with confidence, knowing that you can easily manage your save and configuration files to enhance your gaming experience and protect your hard-earned progress.

As you embark on your journey in the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor universe, you might also be interested in optimizing the game's performance. For tips on how to boost your FPS, reduce stuttering, and improve overall performance, check out the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Stuttering Fix guide. This guide offers valuable insights and recommendations to ensure that your gaming experience is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Happy gaming, and may the Force be with you!