Are you experiencing an error after about 20 minutes playing PUBG Lite?
Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error 0x887a0006 - HUNG)
How to fix the "D3D device being lost" Error?
First of all, make sure you play the game with the High Performance Graphics Processor. (for laptop)
Right click on the PUBG Lite shortcut and click the Run with graphics processor > High-performance NVIDIA processor. Or, in Nvidia Control Panel, go to Manage 3D settings, then Global Settings, you can choose under "Preferred graphics processor" to have High Performance NVIDIA processor.
Secondly, you should limit your graphics card temperature to 75 degrees Celsius.
- Install the MSI Afterburner
- Set priority to Temp. Limit (C)
- Set it to 75
- Apply

This may affect FPS as the GPU will underclock or speed up fans to keep the card cooler. If this setting prevents you from getting an error, you can try to up the temperature limit a little further.
This resource may also work.
I had this issue, turns out the issue was the GPU overheating. I suggest underclocking. Try -80 on core clock, -150 on mem clock and setting max GPU temp to 79 degrees Celsius, it doesn't hurt performance that much, but works for me. Let me know how this works for you, if you find a better solution let me know too!
Please leave a comment below if you find any other possible solution.