For some players, "Sim To Next Appearance" does not work in NBA 2k21 MyCareer mode. While on the "Sim To Next Appearance" screen in NBA 2K21, sometimes the game goes into slow motion then returns to normal, other times the game freezes, then crashes.
In this guide I will show you how to fix the "Sim to next appearance" problem.
How to fix can't sim to next appearance in NBA 2K21
First, we will change some options in the graphics settings.
- Go to the graphics settings menu in NBA 2K21
- Change the Refresh Rate to 60.0Hz
- Set the Vertical Sync to On
- Then set the Dynamic Vertical Sync to On
- Apply the changes and exit the game.
Now we will adjust some settings in the Nvidia Control Panel.
- Right-click on the desktop and open the Nvidia Control Panel.
- Go to the Manage 3D Settings menu.
- Go to the Program Settings tab
- Click on Add button.
- Select NBA 2K21 from the list, then click on Add Selected Program button.
- Set the settings for NBA 2K21 as follows
Low Latency Mode: Ultra
Vertical sync: On - Click on the Apply button.
- Now you can play the game.
You can adjust the settings I mentioned above in AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin as well.
AMD Radeon Adrenalin > Gaming > Games > NBA 2K21 > Radeon Anti-Lag > Enabled
Radeon Software > Gaming > Games > NBA 2K21 > Wait for Vertical Refresh > On
By the way, there are players who fix the slow motion issue as follows: just press Alt+Tab several times until let you simulate.
thank you so much for solving this problem