The game of some players crashes to the desktop randomly with black screen while playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & COD Warzone Battle Royale. If you are experiencing this issue with no error message in Multiplayer or Campaign, follow these steps to fix it.
How to Fix Random Crashes in COD:MW
Method #1
- Launch the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
- Go to the Graphics settings in the Options menu.
- Click on the Restart Shaders Installation
It will delete your shaders cache and reinstall all shaders from the beginning.
Method #2
You should lowering graphics settings, run the COD in windowed mode, cap framerates to 60. You should also try to disable/unplug your second monitor.
Method #3
You can rename the Player folder in config folder of COD. Location: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\players
Method #4
- Launch the COD.
- Simultaneously press the ALT and TAB keys to minimize the game.
- Open the Task Manager
- Click on Details Tab
- In the list, find the ModernWarfare.exe application.
- Right-click on the ModernWarfare.exe application and Set priority to Normal. You need to adjust this setting every time you enter the COD.
Method #5
You need to update your graphics drivers.
Method #6
Turn off the Nvidia Geforce Experience overlay.
- Go to the GeForce Experience app.
- Click on the Settings icon (cogwheel) at the top right.
- Go to the General tab and disable the In-game Overlay.
You should also check this guide.
game not open on my screen but say playing now
Hi, i have been crashing to desktop all the time and have tried everything, i finally played 1 full game without crash, here is what i have done.
i downloaded DDU https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu-v18022-released and uninstalled all graphics drivers and nvidia experience, redownloaded experience and drivers, booted game up and redone shaders, this work for me hopefully its keeps working and works for you
Got the same issue...
I7 9700
Geforce RTX2080 Super
Dont know what i should try....
I tried all, none worked. I can play 1 full multiplayer game and on the 2nd game it closes to desktop without error message. In warzone I cant even complete a match.
literally the same for me, let me know if you find a fix
Unplug your second monitor, worked for me.
none wortked.
PC specs?
i7 7700 2.8 ghz, 16gb ram, GeForce gtx 1060 6gb (im using a laptop)
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