Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 has finally been released on PC, and many players are encountering DEV Errors during gameplay such as 740, 1110, 5476, 5758, 5759, 5761, 5763, 6036, 6065, 6066, 6068, 6070, 6071, 6164, 6165, 6606 codes. I have listed all possible solutions for COD MW 2019 DEV errors here. These also apply to COD Warzone (Battle Royale).
Method #1
Try lowering the graphics settings and disable the Ray tracing. You can also try changing the resolution and the aspect ratio setting. Also, change the display mode in the graphics settings. And also, if you have a second monitor, you should try disabling it.
Method #2
Install/reinstall the DirectX.
Method #3
- Run the Battle.net Desktop app.
- Click the icon of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
- Click on the Options
- After that, click on the Scan and Repair
- Click the “Begin Scan”
Method #4
You should disable the Crossplay in game settings.
- Open the Options menu in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
- Go to the Account tab.
- Set the Crossplay to Disabled.
Method #5
Turn off the OC (overclock) in Bios/UEFI and GPU software.
Method #6
Try to exit monitoring, mouse, keyboard and other background apps. MSI Afterburner, Nvidia GeForce Experience, AutoHotKey, EVGA Precision X1, RTSS Rivatuner, ASUS GPU Tweak II
Method #7
Disable the AMD Radeon Relive.
- Go to the Radeon settings. You can find it on Windows taskbar.
- Make sure Relive is turned off.
Method #8
You should disable the Game Bar and Game mode in Windows 10. Check out
Method #9
It's annoying, but you need to try to uninstall and reinstall the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Method #10
The source of the issue may be SLI. SLI especially causes "Fatal Error DEV ERROR 5759 , DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error" problem. For some reason, SLI may activate automatically after updates. So you need to disable the SLI.
You should also check out this guide, it can also help you fix DEV errors.
Please let us know in the comments below, whether you are still facing the issue. Don't forget to specify your PC specs!
By the way, if you want to buy new games for really cheap, use this link please.
how to fix dev error 6039 code_pre_gfx.fc
i couldn't found any solution for error 6037 in the past 4 days!!!!!!!!!!
Error 6070, I've tried a ton of things and it still doesn't work. I have a radeon rx 580 8gb and ryzen 5 1600. I get the error after I launch the game and my monitors flicker and go black and then it gives me the error code. Please help!
have the same issue too.
anyone got a fix for dev error 6039
did you find one i need help
Error 6146 any solve please i update drivers and do scan and repair
for dev error 6034 ww code_pre_gfx fix for this??
Did u get any fix for this error? Because i am having the same error.
getting same error (DEV ERROR 6034 [ww_code_pre_gfx.ff]). tried lots of fixes, scan & repair and reinstalling the game in another pc. no luck so far 🙁
dev error 6037 code_post_gfx.ff fix for this?
Go to the folder where the game is installed.
Delete all idx files in the data folder
(...\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\Data\data)
Run the Battle.net Desktop app.
Click the icon of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Click on the Options
After that, click on the Scan and Repair
Click the “Begin Scan”
DO NOT DELETE THE IDX FILES. It will download the whole /data folder and that is 85 gb
why would you delete all the files that is connected to the game??
Hello. I Hate This Game, I downloaded 2 days Cod Mw 159GB, Installed last Version my gpu 442.59 and installed last version my windows 10 1909 Pro,and installed dx last version, and installed all c++ .i unistalled my gpu with ddu,and reinstall again 442.59 and disabled nvidia geforce experience overlay and unsistalled. i reinstalling now cod mw with my backup 159gb i copying now in my folder battle.net i testing if worked or again dev error 6164! if not work i forgoted this game and i waited for new solution my game founded for this error!
me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
erreur 6306 a chaque game .. Le jeux se ferme . Comment résoudre ça svp svp
Moi aussi
For those getting the dreaded dev error 6328, I believe I have a solution. Try changing your color settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel under Display/Change resolution. Under option 3 "Apply the following settings", select "Use NVIDIA color settings" and change the Output color format to RGB. This appears to have resolved this and several other game crashes I was experiencing after purchasing a new monitor (LG 38GL950G-B). I was previously running a 2k monitor at 60Hz and rarely had problems with game crashes.
16GB DDR4-3300
EVGA Black 2080 Ti
3x 1TB SSDs
850W Power Supply
Thank you.
Solved! And nVidia Highligts and Overlay works after this.
I did a clean install of nVidia graphics and overlay driver 442,01 (Hotfix)
I have dev error 6164, game crash at launch 🙁 any solution??
Pudiste solucionarlo? Tengo el mismo problema
me too bro...im gona be mad
I have error 6066
Do you have a solution?
I have done almost everything.
i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
32 GB ram
Rog Strix 1080 Ti
Windows 10 (v1909)
Not over locked
I see some people changed to different versions of windows. I'm thinking about doing that .... Maybe
I get the 6036 error when game try to load
I fixed Dev Error 6071 by formatting Windows 10 version 1903
Wdym format windows? Delete the whole hard drive?
I did everything and it still doesn’t work, it still gives the error 6066
i try it all and still dont work
Share your PC specs and OS, please
Did you tried to disable the Crossplay in game settings?
como posso desativar isso se o jogo nao abre para poder ir as opçoes
nao arranca