Home » OUTRIDERS – Antialiasing and DLSS issues

OUTRIDERS - Antialiasing and DLSS issues

If you can't turn on the anti-aliasing and change the DLSS option in OUTRIDERS, chances are the game optimization process of Nvidia GeForce Experience changed the game's config file and that's why you cannot change some graphics options in Outriders.

OUTRIDERS Antialiasing

To fix the problem, you need to change the value of a parameter in configuration file.

If you follow all the steps correctly then you will be able to change anti-aliasing and DLSS settings.

  • Open Windows File Explorer
  • Navigate to C: > Users > Your username > AppData > Local > Madness > Saved > Config > WindowsNoEditor
  • Open the GameUserSettings file in the WindowsNoEditor folder.
  • Find the DLSSQuality in the file
  • Change the DLSSQuality's value to 0
  • Save the file.

That's all. It will fix your Anti-aliasing issue in Outriders.

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