Home » Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince Does Not Launch [FIX]

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince Does Not Launch [FIX]

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince Does Not Launch

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince does not launch on some computers. There are a couple of solutions to launch and black screen problems.

Method #1

You should keep your computer’s graphics drivers updated.

People who have an NVIDIA graphics card can download and install their new drivers here.

People who have an AMD graphics card can download and install their new drivers here.

You should also update your OS.

Method #2

  • Open NVIDIA Control Panel.
  • Go to the Configure Surround, PhysX tab.
  • On PhysX Settings, set the “Processor:” to your GPU.
  • Click on the Apply
  • If your laptop has Intel graphics processor and Nvidia, go to the Manage 3D settings on the NVIDIA Control Panel.
  • On the Global Settings tab, set the Preferred graphics processor to High-performance NVIDIA processor
  • Then, go to the Program Settings tab
  • Click the Add
  • Select the Trine 4 from the list
  • Set preferred graphics processor to “High-performance NVIDIA processor
nvidia processor
  • Apply and close the NVIDIA Control Panel.
  • Reboot your computer.

Method #3

  • Verify your game files. Go to the Steam library
  • Right-click on the Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, go to Properties.
  • Go to the LOCAL FILES tab

Method #4

Try to exit programs such as MSI Afterburner, RTSS Rivatuner, Fraps, Skype, Discord, Team Speak, Keyboard&Mouse software. Those programs can prevent Trine’s launching.

Black Screen After Launch the Trine 4

You can fix the black screen issue in Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince after update your Windows 10.

Please let me know in the comments below, whether you are still facing the issue.

By the way, if you want to buy new games for really cheapuse this link please.