Home » Trine 4 – Fix: Can’t Play With Friends

Trine 4 - Fix: Can't Play With Friends

trine 4 play multiplayer

Are you trying to play with a friend and it's not connecting after the last patch anymore? So if your friend can't join your game when you invite your friend to Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince game, follow these steps to fix it.

How to Fix Multiplayer Connection Issue in Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

  • Navigate to C:\Users\*yourusername*\AppData\Roaming\Trine4

If you can’t see the AppData folder, click on the View, select the Hidden items

hidden items
  • Open the options.txt file in the Trine4 folder.
  • In the file, find the line: setOption(networkModule, "PreferCustomP2PChannels", true)
  • Change it to: setOption(networkModule, "PreferCustomP2PChannels", false)
  • Also, find the line: setOption(networkModule, "UseFixedPortRange", true)
  • Change it to: setOption(networkModule, "UseFixedPortRange", false)
  • Save the file and exit.
  • Launch the Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

If you need the full list of options.txt

setOption(networkModule, "UseLANOnly", false)
setOption(networkModule, "AutoAdjustNetworkSync", true)
setOption(networkModule, "NetworkPresetKbit", 512)
setOption(networkModule, "UseDefaultPlayerName", true)
setOption(networkModule, "PlayerName", "")
setOption(networkModule, "UseFixedPortRange", false)
setOption(networkModule, "FixedPortRangeStart", 27300)
setOption(networkModule, "FixedPortRangeEnd", 27315)
setOption(networkModule, "OverrideOnlineRegion", "")
setOption(networkModule, "FixedLocalAddress", "")
setOption(networkModule, "FixedExternalAddress", "")
setOption(networkModule, "AllowSteamConnections", true)
setOption(networkModule, "AllowNonSteamConnections", true)
setOption(networkModule, "DisableSteamRelay", false)
setOption(networkModule, "PreferCustomP2PChannels2", false)
setOption(networkModule, "UseSteamVoice", false)
setOption(networkModule, "UseSpeexVoice", false)
setOption(networkModule, "NetLogEnabled", true)
setOption(networkModule, "SimulatedLagInMsMin", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "SimulatedLagInMsMax", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "PacketLossProbabilityMin", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "PacketLossProbabilityMax", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "OutOfOrderProbabilityMin", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "OutOfOrderProbabilityMax", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "DownstreamBandwidthMin", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "DownstreamBandwidthMax", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "UpstreamBandwidthMin", 0)
setOption(networkModule, "UpstreamBandwidthMax", 0)

You can also check this https://www.frozenbyte.com/online-multiplayer-issues-in-trine-games/

If the problem still exists do let us know in the comments below.

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