Home » PES 2020 & 2021 – Fix: Game Running in Slow Motion

PES 2020 & 2021 - Fix: Game Running in Slow Motion

PES 2020

eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020/2021 PC is facing an issue like extreme lag. Game goes in slow motion, then PC freezes completely and needs to reset the computer. There is a solution for NVIDIA users. If you follow all the steps correctly then it will fix.

How to Resolve the Slowdown Issue on PES 2020 & 2021?

Method #1

  • Open NVIDIA Control Panel. You can download the latest NVIDIA graphics card driver here.
  • Go to the Manage 3D settings.
  • Then, go to the Program Settings tab
  • Click the Add
  • Select the eFootball PES 2020 (PES2020.exe) in the list, then click on the “Add Selected Program” button.
  • After, make the following settings
    Monitor Technology: Fixed Refresh
    Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
    Texture filtering – Quality: High performance
  • Apply and close the NVIDIA Control Panel.

Method #2

  • Launch the PES 2020
  • Press ALT+TAB
  • Go to the Task Manager
  • Click on the Details tab.
  • Find the PES2020.exe application on the list and right-click on it.
  • Click on the Set affinity
  • Untick the CPU 0
  • Click on the OK button.
processor affinity

You can also check out the FPS Boost Guide and article about the GPU issue. If your issue still exists do let me know in the comments below.


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  • Did no work for me. My PC is i9 7900x, Vega 64, 32GB DDR4 3800, Samsung Evo 960.

    Game does not go higher than 35fps

  • i tried the second method it worked but i have to do it every time when i start the game is there any trick to untick cpu0 once ?
    Thanks for helping

  • Bom dia a todos!
    Poxa galera, fico muito chateado quando acontecem essas coisas de lags, delays ou travamentos em geral. Tudo bem que não tenho uma máquina extremamente forte, mas tenho configurações necessárias para se ter uma boa experiência. No meu caso:
    Processador Ryzen 2600
    Placa Mãe B350
    16GB Ram
    Placa de vídeo GTX 1660 6GB
    SSD 240
    HD 1TB
    Fonte 500 plus
    Após os passos acima os delays ainda continuam, provavelmente não conseguirei jogar esse jogo no meu PC. Abraços amigos.

  • hi,
    doesn't work for me also.

    windows10 64 bits
    gygabite aorus gaming wifi5
    rtx 2070
    16GO RAM
    AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 core

    • Hi, in addition to the first method
      Select the eFootball PES 2020 from the Program Settings list
      Set Threaded optimization to Off

      After that, go to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020
      Open the Settings.exe and make the following two settings.
      Screen Mode: Full Screen
      Vsync: Enable2

      If still doesn't work, exit the game.

      Open NVIDIA Control Panel. You can download the latest NVIDIA graphics card driver here.
      Go to the Configure Surround, PhysX tab.
      On PhysX Settings, set the “Processor:” to your GPU.
      Click on the Apply

        • Hi,
          I tried all the tricks and possible settings in the world...still not working. I have an Asus desktop with intel processor I7-9700k 3.6 Ghz. An Nvidia video card RTX 2060 6 GB and 16 GB RAM...Pes 2019, 2020 and 2021 are running very slow, the players are sluggish and input lag is killing the game on both online and offline. Is there any other solution?